Massachusetts Infant Home Phototherapy
Healthy Babies, Happy Moms Inc., is excited to offer infant home phototherapy services in our Massachusetts service area. HBHM provides phototherapy for babies in their home, as a cost effective alternative to delayed discharge or re-hospitalization. HBHM is a licensed and nationally accredited home health nursing agency with 8 years of providing this service in Rhode Island, and over 20 years in business. We provide families with the SkyLife™ NeoLight and our Registered Nurses (RNs) give parents complete instruction in the use and care of the equipment. Our RNs visit daily to provide an assessment, weight check, stat bilirubin blood draw and transportation of the blood sample to the lab. They work closely with community primary care providers to monitor the health of the baby and determine the length of treatment. Our RNs can also assist families with breastfeeding if necessary.
Infant home phototherapy requires a primary care provider’s referral in order to provide care. Families are required to pay privately for the service. HBHM Inc. office staff will provide parents with the necessary documentation needed to seek reimbursement from their insurance provider.
Primary Care Providers interested in referring to us for this service should:
Confirm patient’s family prefers this service vs the hospitalization and that they live within our service area.
Call us at 866-744-BABY (2229) to confirm RN and bili-hut™ availability.
Fax this prescription to 844-816-4610 no later than 3:00 PM to receive same day service.
Once we receive a script, our office staff will reach out to the family to go over our service and policies, take payment and schedule the initial set-up visit. Families indicating they do not want this service and prefer hospitalization will be referred back to their baby’s primary care provider. Our RNs will notify the PCP if that is the case. For families confirming that they want this service, the bili-hut™ will be set up in the home within 4 hours and the PCP contacted the following morning with STAT bili results.
Primary Care Providers can expect daily updates from our nurses and regular communication to determine the length of treatment and address any concerns.