Return to Work Consultations
Healthy Babies, Happy Moms Inc. has a long history of supporting mothers who want to continue breastfeeding after they return to work.
We always encourage mothers to first get breastfeeding off to a good start, and not focus on their return to work. We usually don't like to start to prepare for a return to work until three weeks postpartum. We find that even for working moms who have to return at six weeks, this leaves ample to time to get ready. HBHM Inc. offers consultations to help women transition back to work.
We provide Return to Work While Breastfeeding consultations over the phone or in our office. Our consultants work with nursing mothers to determine which breast pump is best for their situation, help to store milk for their baby, introduce a bottle, and advise them on how to manage pumping as a working mom. Mothers who receive a consult can call us anytime regarding breastfeeding after returning to work. If you would like to schedule a consult call us at (401) 884-8273 or contact us via email.
*Please note that the unlimited phone follow-up for the return to work consult is only for the child for whom you received the consult, and not subsequent children. Thanks for your understanding of this policy!
Customer Comments and Testimonials
“My husband’s brother recently came to visit us with his wife and two young children. They were amazed (and that is an understatement) about Max’s terrific sleep schedule, his enthusiastic and healthy eating habits, and his generally delighted and happy disposition. I had to give credit where credit is due and so I told them that we have you to thank in very large part! Your simple but sage advice about breastfeeding, bottle feeding, sleep, and the transition to solid food made our first six months with Max a miracle and helped us to establish sensible routines. Nursing Max was one of the most difficult challenges that I have ever faced — neither of us seemed to take to it naturally! That being said, nursing was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life and I could see how good it was for Max. Your advice and support were instrumental in those early weeks, and I am forever grateful for both. By the time I went back to work as a full-time attorney (after 5 and 1/2 months) Max was sleeping through the night and I had a great supply of breast milk for him to use during the day while I was at work. Over the ensuing six months, with your guidance, I was able to adjust my pumping and nursing to fit both of our schedules and Max cheerfully weaned himself just before his first birthday. Max has not had a single illness during this first year and I have not missed a day of work. Thank you!”