Tricare East Insurance Breast Pumps
Under the Essential Health Benefits of the Affordable Care Act, mothers are eligible to receive a breast pump through their insurance company. Healthy Babies, Happy Moms Inc. is happy to provide a choice when ordering a breast pump. Eligible pump models may vary based on your insurance coverage, which is subject to verification, and may require an upgrade fee.
Please note, the following breast pumps are covered at 100% by Tricare East. For more information and to order your pump, click the pictures below:
Please note, the following pumps are not covered at 100% by Tricare East and require an upgrade fee. For more information and to order your pump, click the pictures below:
Need a Manual Pump?
A manual pump can be a great back-up option to your Double Electric insurance pump. We recommend the Elvie Curve - a lightweight, wearable pump that’s quiet and affordable.